World Animal day
World Animal Day! Today, October 4, 2022 is World Animal Day! put your pet in the spotlight for a while and spoil them with something delicious. They also love an extra hug!
Since 1930, World Animal Day has been held on October 4, 2022. Every year they are put in the spotlight for a while. But how did this start? For this we have to go back to the year 1929, where a great meeting was held. This meeting was held for animal protectionists around the world to stop animal cruelty as best they can.
During this meeting, a letter from the Czech Mrs Winter was briefly presented. This letter contained an offer to put all pets in the spotlight on a fixed day every year! The whole room thought this was a great idea, only a date had yet to be chosen. October 4 was chosen because this is the anniversary of the death of Francis of Assisi. For more than 92 years now, this is the day to spoil all animals all over the world!
So put your furry friend in the spotlight today!