When can your cat go outside?
When is the best time to let my new cat outside? This is a question that is often asked and which many people find exciting. You don't know how he's going to react to all those new impressions outside. With the right tips, this won't be that exciting, but a very nice experience!
Before your cat goes outside, it is useful to make sure that he has had all his vaccinations. This prevents some diseases, disorders and common infections.
We recommend that you also have it done in advance. An unneutered cat will immediately look for a cat in heat. Also, unneutered cats are more aggressive and will fight more often. With a castration or sterilization this is prevented and you can let your cat outside with more peace of mind!
The best time to let your cat outside
The best time to let your cat outside for the first time is when he is at least 6 months old. This is because many new impressions will come to him. He also enters the territory of other cats that have lived there for a longer period of time. They can start to feel threatened and so the kitten will have to be able to defend itself against it. It is important before you let him outside that the cat must first get used to the house. So don't let him outside immediately when you move.
A kitten is all kinds of weather conditions such as rain, wind, heat or cold. To limit these new stimuli, you could start by taking a short walk in the garden every now and then. In order not to lose him, you can put a leash or special harness on him. This way the kitten can get used to the outdoors.
Je kat naar buiten laten Het beste moment om je kat naar buiten te laten
Dan is het eindelijk zover! Je kan de kat met een gerust hart naar buiten laten want hij is er helemaal klaar voor. Toch is er nog één ding wat handig is om hem aan te leren. Dit is dat je hem een reden geeft om naar huis te komen. Denk dan aan hem naar buiten doen in de ochtend voordat je hem eten geeft. Hij zal dan vanzelf terugkomen voor zijn ontbijt. Let er wel op dat je hem dan pas na de ochtendspits naar buiten laat.

Chipping cat after birth
Jaarlijks raken er heel veel katten vermist. Helaas is de kans dat je hem terugvindt zonder chip erg klein. Om dit te voorkomen kan je ervoor kiezen om je kat te laten chippen. Door je kat te laten chippen en correct te registreren bij PetBase zorg je ervoor dat hij makkelijk, snel en veilig weer thuis kan komen.
Ook kan je dan met een geruster hart je kat heerlijk buiten laten lopen.
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