Retrieving an animal from a shelter

Every year, an average of 25,000 animals are cared for in shelters. These animals are missing, have wandered or are starving. There are also animals that have unfortunately been dumped by their owner. The latter may be because he can no longer take care of the owner or because he no longer wants the pet. In both cases, the bad solution is to simply dump the animal. Unfortunately, it happens regularly.
How many pets are missing in 2021

Missing pets is a big topic. Every year many animals run away from home. This causes a lot of fear for many animal owners. The last thing you want is for your beloved stuffed animal not to come home at night. There are a number of measures you can take to reduce this risk. The measure that works best is chipping and correctly registering your pet.
When can your cat go outside?

When is the best time to let my new cat outside? This is a question that is often asked and which many people find exciting. You don't know how he's going to react to all those new impressions outside. With the right tips, this won't be that exciting, but a very nice experience!
Why take two rabbits?

Rabbits are real group animals. For that reason, it is also preferable to put at least two rabbits together if you want rabbits. But what is the best combination for this? How old should they be? Male with a female? Two guys? Two females? We explain it to you!
Is Grain Free Dog Food That Much Better?

Grain-free dog food is said to have many health benefits for your dog. But how much better is this dog food really?
Pets not victims of inflation

Despite today's high prices, it doesn't stop many people from wanting the best for their animal. It is a real family member who should not be a victim of the current inflation.
World Animal day

World Animal Day! Today, October 4, 2022 is World Animal Day! put your pet in the spotlight for a while and spoil them with something delicious. They woud like an extra hug!🐶😄
veterinarians can't handle work pressure anymore

Vets are forced to ring the bell. The workload has risen sharply since the start of the corona pandemic in 2020. With great difficulty, more and more doctors have to reject animals because they have no place.
Young children with pets

Jonge kinderen met huisdieren De wens van veel kinderen is het hebben van een eigen huisdier, dit al vaak op jonge leeftijd. Deze interesse ontstaat meestal door kinderboeken, televisieprogramma’s maar ook door huisdieren in de buurt. Maar wat zijn de voor en nadelen? Toch is het eigenlijk juist heel goed om een huisdier in huis […]
Cats and water

Katten en water Katten houden niet van water is wat je misschien denkt als je de titel leest. Meestal heb je gelijk, maar dat geldt niet voor kat Kees uit Anna Paulowna. Deze Maine Coon werd in één keer bekend in Nederland toen de dierenambulance een oproep deed om niet meer te bellen wanneer ze […]