Changing data
Are all your details still up-to-date? We want to emphasize the urgency of keeping your data up-to-date. After all, you don't want your pet to go missing and then it turns out that all the data is no longer correct. In that situation, it becomes more difficult to get your beloved pet home quickly.
Animal shelters overcrowded
Were you able to find a place for your pet? The holidays are coming and many people bring their cat or dog to the pet boarding house. According to a tour of Omroep Gelderland, there is no room for new animals in most places. Only regular customers can get a spot.
Pets afraid of fireworks
Hoewel vuurwerk op sommige plaatsen al maanden afgestoken wordt, is het officiële en legale moment om dit te doen tijdens de jaarwisseling. Zowel bij onweer als bij vuurwerk kan er een plotseling en hard geluid zijn dat angst kan veroorzaken bij (huis)dieren. Het is vervelend als katten onder het bed kruipen of als honden anders reageren op vuurwerk. Gelukkig kun je met een aantal handige tips en tricks de angst bij jouw dier voorkomen of verminderen.
Change accessibility around Christmas
Met de kerst dat elke dag dichterbij komt bereiden wij ons voor op wat dagen dat we niet elke dag klaar kunnen staan om iedereen te helpen. Kijk jij al uit naar kerst? Wij in ieder geval wel! Dit willen wij gezellig vieren met collega’s, familie, vrienden en nog veel meer. Daarvoor moeten wij wel helaas twee dagen eerder onze telefoon dichtzetten en 1 dag helemaal sluiten.
Need animal insurance or not?
All insurance is becoming more and more expensive.Also the insurance of pets. Caring for pets has always been expensive, but is now also going up again. A visit to the vet can easily cost you a hundred or two. Even for the smallest furry stuffed animals.
Preventing your cat from boredom
Originally, cats are used to constantly moving and catching their own food. So they are real hunters. But a house cat gets its food served daily and therefore doesn't have to do much for this. This saves them a lot of time and they can sleep almost all day. But there are plenty of options to ensure that your cat doesn't get bored and stays active!
Registratie ontbreekt nog regelmatig
De dierenambulance Noord-Kennemerland treft veel gechipte dieren aan die niet zijn geregistreerd. Daarom roepen ze iedereen op om te controleren of je gechipte huisdier wel geregistreerd is. In de meeste gevallen denken de eigenaren van de gechipte dieren dat de registratie vanzelf gaat. Dit is helaas niet het geval.
Retrieving an animal from a shelter
Every year, an average of 25,000 animals are cared for in shelters. These animals are missing, have wandered or are starving. There are also animals that have unfortunately been dumped by their owner. The latter may be because he can no longer take care of the owner or because he no longer wants the pet. In both cases, the bad solution is to simply dump the animal. Unfortunately, it happens regularly.
How many pets are missing in 2021
Missing pets is a big topic. Every year many animals run away from home. This causes a lot of fear for many animal owners. The last thing you want is for your beloved stuffed animal not to come home at night. There are a number of measures you can take to reduce this risk. The measure that works best is chipping and correctly registering your pet.
When can your cat go outside?
When is the best time to let my new cat outside? This is a question that is often asked and which many people find exciting. You don't know how he's going to react to all those new impressions outside. With the right tips, this won't be that exciting, but a very nice experience!