ISO FDX-B goedgekeurde transponder met fabrikantcode (934) in een vlinderapplicator. De naald is korter en 35% dunner dan de andere systemen. Deze chips zijn bedoeld voor export en diersoorten anders dan hond. Ze mogen dus not be used for dogs born in the Netherlands.
Note: Do not make the mistake of placing these in a Dutch dog anyway. This is not allowed under Dutch law. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that there are currently discussions going on about mandatory cat registration. Once this is mandatory, cats will probably have to be microchipped with a 528 chip. Zorg dus dat je niet teveel voorraad houdt en voorkom verspilling.
Product information:
Packing unit: 10
PetBase is affiliated with Europetnet, which means that your pet can also be traced abroad.
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