Dierplatform(.nl) is per direct gestopt als databank
Dierplatform.nl, de dierendatabank van Viva Veterinary, is recent gestopt met haar activiteiten. Dit platform was jarenlang een bron van informatie voor dierenliefhebbers en professionals in de veterinaire sector. Dierplatform.nl was één van de negen databanken in Nederland. Ondanks de waardevolle inhoud en het brede gebruik, heeft Viva Veterinary besloten de dienst te beëindigen.
Wat nu?
Gelukkig zijn er nog 8 andere databanken, waaronder PetBase er 1 is!

PetBase is the European animal database for pets with a chip
Avoid mistakes, save time and do the right thing for the holder.Â
- Within 1 minute you register an animal according to laws and regulations
- Register an entire nest within 2 minutes
- PetBase is available 5 days a week, 6 hours a day
- Buy vaccination booklets, passports and chips directly in the shop
- Register easier than ever before, use PetPoints
- Demonstrably the safest database in the Netherlands
- Best price/quality ratio

European coverage
PetBase is affiliated to EuroPetNet (EPN). All registrations at PetBase can be traced back to Europe. Missing animal reports are also forwarded Europe-wide, via the database of EPN.
View all RVO notifications
You have insight into all notifications made to RVO. With this feature, you can check whether the animal is properly registered in all legal areas. PetBase is the only database that has made this available.
Safest database in the Netherlands
To best protect your data and that of your pets, PetBase has the ISO 27001-certificering achieved.
These organisations went before you:
Even more advantages of PetBase
One-stop shop for all your products
Available 5 days a week, 6 hours a day
European retrieval
Take advantage of the 2fa opportunity
PetBase has the ISO 27001 & 9001 certificate
2 data centres, twice as secure
Register an animal in 1 minute? Check it out here:
Our team
Rachel de Wit
Support / Back Office
Modar Yaghi
Jr. Software developer
Manon Vroegh
Customer service