Retrieving an animal from a shelter
Every year, an average of 25,000 animals are cared for in shelters. These animals are missing, have wandered or are starving. There are also animals that have unfortunately been dumped by their owner. The latter may be because he can no longer take care of the owner or because he no longer wants the pet. In both cases, the bad solution is to simply dump the animal. Unfortunately, it happens regularly.
Stray animal found
Found or stray animals are brought to an animal shelter by the animal ambulance or volunteers from various foundations. Sometimes it also happens that people bring them themselves. This doesn't happen often, because you don't know how the animal is going to react. The moment the animal has arrived at the shelter, the animal is checked. If the animal has not had any vaccinations, they will still be administered. Is he just missing a few? Then they give it too. They do this to prevent the animals from getting very sick.Â

Why choose the shelter?
Shelters are full of pets that unfortunately no longer have a home. Most of these animals have experienced terrible things. So why not give an animal from the shelter a second chance?Â
Taking an animal from the shelter brings many benefits. Not only for you, but also for the shelter. The shelter takes excellent care of each individual animal. They do everything to protect them against all diseases. They do this by immediately vaccinating every animal that comes in. This prevents serious spread of disease. Which saves you another trip to the vet!
The moment you look for an animal in the shelter, you are dealing with honest people who have taken good care of the animal. You don't have this certainty if you start looking for a new cuddly toy on the internet. The difference between an illegal breeder and a serious breeder is nowadays difficult to recognize. We therefore recommend looking at an animal from the shelter.
PetBase offer
PetBase would like to help all shelters in the Netherlands. For this reason, we have a special offer for all shelters in the Netherlands. Curious about this offer? View it via the button below.
De 5 meest gestelde vragen asiel
No, not all animals have this obligation. The obligation for 528 numbers applies to dogs and horses.
A registration is never simply removed from our database, partly because there are reference links to our database via EPN, Petmaxx and SDGN (´Combined Pet Databases Netherlands´) using the microchip number. A form number is always required to make changes. This form number can be easily requested by the registered owner. How this works is explained in this FAQ-section under Owner. The registration-/form-number can often also be retrieved from the reporting institution that is mentioned in the registration. For these details, click on Search chip number. Veterinarians and animal shelters can change the details on our website by using our registration forms. To enable this, animal shelters can order our starter pack. After that, new forms can be ordered in our webshop. We offer another possibility for animal shelters, under certain conditions. For this purpose, you need to register the animal again in another database. The database must be affiliated with SDGN. After a correct registration in the associate database, you can inform us of the database and microchip-/transponder number concerned. We will then create a reference link to the new registration so that the former owner’s details are no longer visible on our
If the chip number has been entered incorrectly, it cannot be changed just like that. The simplest solution is to enter the contact form with the chip number and registration/number and clearly state what the wrong and correct number is. We will then take care of the correct registration.
This is possible, and it is even cost-reducing by first registering the animal in the shelter’s name. After a few weeks you can still hand over the registration details to the new owner and, at no costs, change the new owner’s details online. Are you an animal shelter but not yet a reporting institution? Order a free starter pack!
Honden, geboren of geïmporteerd na 1 april 2013, moeten verplicht geregistreerd worden in een door de overheid aangewezen databank. Ook moeten alle wijzigingen voor deze honden worden vastgelegd. Wij moeten als databank de eigenaren de mogelijkheid bieden om wel aan deze verplichting te voldoen, zonder gebruik te maken van de functie van de databank (het herenigen van een vermist dier met zijn eigenaar). Wanneer u aanvinkt dat de registratie van een hond niet gebruikt mag worden voor hereniging, kunnen we geen gegevens van de eigenaar vrijgeven als de hond ergens gevonden is. Zo’n hond gaat een dierenasiel in en kan dan na de standaard periode herplaatst worden. Aangezien de databanken voornamelijk bestaan om vermiste dieren weer bij hun eigenaar terug te krijgen is ons advies om WEL gebruik te maken van hereniging. Het vinkje laat u dus bij voorkeur ongemoeid. Gebruik het alleen als een nieuwe eigenaar dit per se wil en zich ook heel goed bewust is van de mogelijke gevolgen. Als een eigenaar zijn gegevens liever niet op het publieke deel wil hebben kunt u beter de optie “alleen aanmeldende instantie” gebruiken. Een gevonden dier is in dat geval nog via u of via ons naar een eigenaar te herleiden. Probeer een eigenaar ook uit te leggen dat “publiek” betekent dat zijn gegevens alleen op te vragen zijn door iemand die het 15-cijferige chipnummer weet. Ons advies is altijd volledige vrijgave (aanmeldende instantie + eigenaarsgegevens) voor snelle en eenvoudige hereniging van een vermist dier met de eigenaar.
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